Was faced with my first challenge today: chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting. We guided a cooking/baking class for our students, and on the menu were gluten-free chocolate cupcakes. They looked and smelled delicious, but I held firm — come on, two days in and quit? Puh-leeze.
Breakfast: slice of toast with one hard-boiled egg made into egg salad
Lunch: Yogurt with fresh blueberries, half banana and nuts. I was surprised to see that my Plain, 2% Greek yogurt actually had 8 grams of sugar per serving! I probably had half a serving, and I’m not going to count this as breaking my no-sugar rule.
Snack: handful of baby carrots with hummus
Dinner: Chicken sausage sauteed with spinach, onions and sweet potato. Also ate handfuls of peanuts, hard to stop!
So there – aside from my peanut binge, I think I did all right. I’m adding a few more “rules” to my daily intake:
#4- drink green tea, preferably non-caffeinated, daily
#5 – continue my intake of at least three large glasses of water per day
Day two done and in the bag. Bring on the sugar challenge, I can do this!